Sunday, May 9, 2010

How do I become a good blogger who offers a source of weekly entertainment as opposed to frequenting a platform to bitch from?

I used to journal all the time. On the rare occasions I've gone back and re-read those journals, there were times when I was like "Omg, really? Really, Stephanie?" and I just feel totally embarrassed... and I'm not talking about embarrassing events. I mean my writing style.

Sometimes I look back on my writing and I'm like "Damn, I did that?" and I feel all proud and shit. Then sometimes there will be some awful gem... some awful drunken gem, more likely... scrawled out in soap opera dramatics. Oh jesus.

Off tangent, so what I want to know is how do you keep your blog interesting? How do you rant about the crap that goes on in your life that you find fascinating and NOT come off as a totally absorbed fruity asshole (ie: me?). Not that I really think that I'm an asshole because I find it very irritating when people say things like "Yeah, I'm a bitch. I'm an asshole." because then I'm just like "Right, I definitely want to be your friend now."

That'll be peeve #10 on my Things That Tick Me Off list.

Moving on... so what I'm saying is I don't really think I'm a fruity asshole, but I think some people might potentially see me that way if I don't watch it. I've just become much louder and more I-don't-care-what-you-think about things and I try to have respect, but sometimes I can't hold back the annoyance. I'm not even just saying it this time, like, I really stopped caring and it feels FUCKING FANTASTIC.

With that being said, I guess I'm afraid that my blog will be either a) boring and annoying bitch rants or b) self-centered assholery.

I also read a lot of her style is influencing me.

Advice? References? Prz?


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